General Provisions
In this section the Agency publishes the general acts that concern the Administration.
Specifically, the following are available for consultation or download:
• Normative references and related links to state law regulations published in the “Normattiva” database regulating the establishment, organization and activity of the ItaliaMeteo Agency;
• The disciplinary and conduct codes
• The Integrated Plan of Activities and Organization (PIAO), introduced by Article 6 of Decree-Law No. 80 of June 9, 2021 (converted into Law No. 113 of August 6, 2021).
(Updated 01/30/2025)
Nomina del Responsabile della prevenzione della corruzione e della trasparenza – 27/05/2024
Nomina del Responsabile della prevenzione della corruzione e della trasparenza – Anno 2024
Nomina del Responsabile della prevenzione della corruzione e della trasparenza – Anno 2023
Nomina del Responsabile della prevenzione della corruzione e della trasparenza – Anno 2022
Relazione del Responsabile della prevenzione della corruzione e della trasparenza – Anno 2023
Relazione del Responsabile della prevenzione della corruzione e della trasparenza – Anno 2022
Normative Reference: Art. 12, c. 1-bis, legislative decree no. 33/2013
Schedule of administrative obligations (Legislative Decree n. 33, March 14, 2013, Art. 34, c. 1, 2)
Normative Reference: art. 12, c. 1-bis, legislative decree no. 33/2013 concerning indications on new administrative obligations for citizens and businesses introduced by administrations according to the modalities defined by DPCM November 8, 2013.
Ministerial or inter-ministerial regulations, and administrative measures of general character adopted by state administrations to regulate the exercise of authorizing, licensing or certifying powers, and access to public services or the granting of benefits, include in the annex a list of all information obligations on citizens and companies introduced or deleted by such acts. Information obligation means any information obligation or fulfillment involving the collection, processing, transmission, storage and production of information and documents to the public administration.
- General Provisions
- Organisation
- Consultants and Collaborators
- Personnel
- Competition notices
- Performance
- Controlled entities
- Activities and proceedings
- Provisions
- Controls on companies
- Calls for tenders and contracts
- Grants and contributions
- Budgets
- Real estate and asset management
- Controls and observations on the administration
- Payments issued by the administration
- Public works
- Environmental information
- Other contents