Public Works
This section provides information on the Public Investment Assessment and Verification Boards (Article 1, Law No. 144/1999), including the specific functions and tasks, the procedures and criteria for identifying members and their names. Also, there are public works planning acts, time schedules, costs per unit and indicators of ongoing or complete public works (Article 38, paragraphs 2 and 2-bis, Legislative Decree No 33/2013; Articles 21, paragraph 7, and 29 Legislative Decree No 50/2016).
Normative Reference: Art. 38, c. 1, legislative decree no. 33/2013
Normative Reference: Art. 38, c. 2 and 2 bis d.lgs. n. 33/2013; Art. 21 co.7 d.lgs. n. 50/2016; Art. 29 d.lgs. n. 50/2016
Normative Reference: Art. 38, c. 2, legislative decree no. 33/2013
No forecast is present as there are no afferent procedures requiring publication thereof
- General Provisions
- Organisation
- Consultants and Collaborators
- Personnel
- Competition notices
- Performance
- Controlled entities
- Activities and proceedings
- Provisions
- Controls on companies
- Calls for tenders and contracts
- Grants and contributions
- Budgets
- Real estate and asset management
- Controls and observations on the administration
- Payments issued by the administration
- Public works
- Environmental information
- Other contents