The ItaliaMeteo Agency publishes and updates, every six months, the lists of the measures adopted by political bodies and managers (Article 23, paragraph 1, Legislative Decree 33/2013; Article 1, paragraph 16, Law 190/2012), with specific reference to the definitive measures of the procedures of:
• choice of contractor for the procurement of works, supplies and services, also with reference to the selection method chosen pursuant to the Code of Public Contracts, relating to works, services and supplies (Legislative Decree No. 50 of April 18, 2016, without prejudice to the provisions of Article 9-bis of Legislative Decree 33/2013);
• agreements concluded by the administration with private entities or other public administrations (Articles 11 and 15 of Law No. 241 of August 7, 1990);
• information concerning the aforementioned point is provided in the section “calls for tenders and contracts – acts of the contracting authority and contracting entities separate for each procedure”.
(updated June 30 2023)
Normative Reference – Art. 23, c. 1, d.lgs. n. 33/2013, art. 1, co. 16 L. 190/2012 – concerning the provisions of administrative managers with particular reference to: choice of contractor for the awarding of works, supplies and services, also with reference to the selection procedure applied; agreements signed by the administration with private entities or with other public administrations.
The details of each measure adopted for the awarding of works, goods and services are published in the section “Bandi di gara e contratti“.
– Registro Atti 2024 (aggiornato al 27 maggio 2024)
– Registro Atti 2023 (aggiornato al 31 dicembre 2023)
– Registro Atti 2022
Normative Ref: Art. 23, c. 1, Legislative Decree no. 33/2013, Art. 1, co. 16 L. 190/2012
The political governance of the agency is determined under the Prime Minister’s Office, which will set the guidelines for the agency’s activities by Convention, which is in the process of being defined and approved.