Join the survey!
ItaliaMeteo Agency has recently launched a survey in order to discover user's needs within the weather – climate sector. Our goal is to create effective services in synergy with partners and stakeholders that respond to the needs of the sector
In evidenza
La conservazione dei ghiacciai – Giornata mondiale dell’Acqua 2025
“Weather Meets Artificial Intelligence”, la scuola estiva 2025 di Fondazione Bruno Kessler

Reliable short, medium, and long-term weather forecasts are the result of a combination of several factors: deterministic and probabilistic models, observed data, computational resources, and experts able to make subjective assessments.
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Projections of future climate and collection of data for analysis of averages and trends over long periods are the fundamental basis for building mitigation strategies and developing climate change adaptation plans.
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Marine forecasting and monitoring of the state of the sea play a key role in preventing damage caused by intense phenomena and are indispensable in contributing to the sustainable development of renewable energy and all sea-related production activities.
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