Cookies Policy

Cookies and other tracking systems

The ItaliaMeteo Agency website does not use cookies for user profiling, neither other tracking methods is used. By browsing the website, the user’s browser may receive technical cookies and, by using certain functionalities, third party non-technical cookies, as illustrated below:

Technical cookies: these are cookies that are necessary for the proper functioning of the Agency’s website and ensure its proper navigation and use. The duration of the cookies is strictly limited to the work session, as they are deleted immediately after closing the browser.
Analytics cookies: analytics cookies are used to collect information, in aggregate and anonymous form (by masking portions of the user’s IP address), on the number of users and how they navigate on the Website; these cookies, directly managed by the Website manager, are assimilated to technical cookies and do not require the user’s consent.
Non-technical third-party cookies: by accessing the Website. It is also possible to receive non-technical third-party cookies (e.g. YouTube) in one’s browser if the user consents to the use of specific functions set up by the Website manager to make accessible within the Website itself some content available on the social channels of the Data Controller. To allow users to select cookies voluntarily, when accessing the Website, a banner informing the user and enabling consent to receive cookies other than technical cookies by clicking on the “Accept selected” button, or to refuse the installation of such cookies by selecting “Reject all”, is proposed. In addition, the user can use the “Cookie preferences” functionality to provide consent in a graded manner and view personalised content from the Agency’s social channels published on specific platforms directly within the site.

The choices expressed regarding the aforementioned cookies are in turn stored on the user’s browser to avoid the repetition of the same request, as well as to facilitate navigation. The user may, at any time, directly provide for their deletion.
Moreover, on certain pages of the Agency’s Site it is possible to find spaces dedicated to allowing the use of functions of other websites by means of the so-called ‘social buttons’, which allow surfing users to interact directly with the same websites.
Furthermore, on selected pages of the Agency’s website, it is possible to find dedicated sections that allow the use of functions of other websites by means of the so-called ‘social buttons’, which allow browsing users to interact directly with the same websites.
The Agency’s website does not share any navigation information or user data with the sites accessible in this way, however, the use of these functions by the user entails the possibility for the same to receive non-technical cookies in their browser from the owners of such sites, so-called “third parties”. The Owner does not have access to the information collected by the aforementioned cookies, which are used in full autonomy by the “third parties”. For further information, users are invited to consult the respective disclosures of the third parties providing the services in question.

Assistance with browser setup
In some browsers it is possible to set up rules to manage cookies on a site-by-site basis, an option that gives you more precise control over your privacy.
more precise control over privacy. You can check your preferences on the following pages, depending on your browser.
Microsoft Edge:
Apple Safari:
Google Chrome:
Mozilla Firefox:
For other browsers please refer to the corresponding guide to see how to manage cookies.